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“Whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” (John 4:14)


The Living Waters Mission Team is an outreach team of the Cenacolo Community in Malta. Our team members put their missionary spirit into action by offering time and talents to alleviate the dire living conditions of underprivileged communities. Our Evangelisation and Catechetical Programmes and Water Projects are carried out in collaboration with Catholic organisations in Ethiopia so we can achieve our aim spreading God’s love through word and deed to all who thirst for it.

Ethiopia Mission - August 2024


The supply of clean drinking water continues to be the main focus of Living Waters projects. Through the generosity of Maltese benefactors, each year the team sponsors projects that bring life-giving water to thousands of children and families in Ethiopian villages. Through these projects, illnesses such as cholera and typhoid fever are drastically reduced.

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As part of Cenacolo Community, the Living Waters Mission Team aims to ‘Share God’s Love and Truth’ through its presence in Ethiopia. We support the Catholic community by offering spiritual formation programmes for young people, and by providing resources such as Bibles and study guides. The team also prepares youth leaders to continue spreading God’s message of love within their communities.

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